Online Benefits Directory


Policy # 3343404


You and your legal dependents are eligible for on the first day of the month following 30 days of employment.

Coverage Amount

Calendar Year MaximumProgressive PlanProgressive Plan
(Class I, II, III Expenses)Class I appliesClass I applies
Year 1: $1500, Year 2: $1750, Year 3: $2000, Year 4: $2250Year 1: $1500, Year 2: $1750, Year 3: $2000, Year 4: $2250
Calendar Year Deductible
Per Individual$50$50
Per Family$150$150
Class I Expenses - Preventive & Diagnostic Care
Oral Exams. Cleanings, Routine X-rays, Fluoride Application, Sealants, Space Maintainers (limited to non-orthodontic treatment), Non-Routine X-rays, Emergency Care to Relieve Pain100%, No Deductible100%, No Deductible
Class II Expenses - Basic Restorative Care
Fillings (Amalgam and composite on all teeth), Oral Surgery - Simple Extractions, Oral Surgery - All Except Simple Extraction, Surgical Extraction of Impacted Teeth, Minor Periodontics, Major Periodontics, Root Canal Therapy / Endodontics, Brush Biopsy100%, No Deductible80%, No Deductible
Class III Expenses - Major Restorative Care
Anesthetics, Relines, Rebases, and Adjustments, Repairs - Bridges, Crowns, and Inlays, Repairs - Dentures, Crowns/Inlays/Onlays, Stainless Steel/Resin Crowns, Dentures, Bridges60%, After Deductible50%, After Deductible
Class IV Expenses - Orthodontia
Coverage for Eligible Children Only50%, No Ortho Deductible50%, No Ortho Deductible
Lifetime Maximum$1500$1500
Dental Plan Reimbursement LevelsBased on contracted fees90th percentile
Additional Member Responsibility in excess of CoinsuranceNoneYes, the difference between Billed Charges and the plan reimbursement.
Student/Dependent Age26/2626/26

Procedure Exclusions & Limitations

  • Exams Two per calendar year
  • Prophylaxis (cleanings) Two per calendar year
  • Fluoride 1 per calendar year for people under 19
  • X-Rays (routine) Bitewings: 2 per calendar year
  • X-Rays (non-routine) Full mouth: 1 every 3 calendar years. Panorex: 1 every 3 calendar years

For additional coverage information check the Dental Benefit Summary


Members progress to the next level by utilizing Class I services in the prior year.

Finding a Provider

Visit the Cigna provider directory to find a dentist near you.

Create your MyCigna account

It’s important that you creat an account with Cigna to give you full access to claim and other services.

How do I check on a claim?

Login to your Cigna account to see a list of your most recent claims, their status, and reimbursements.

Cost of benefit

BenefitEmployeeEmployee & SpouseEmployee & ChildrenEmployee & Family

Continuing Coverage after I stop working.

BenefitEmployee OnlyEmployee & SpouseEmployee & Child(ren)Employee & Family
COBRA Monthly Costs$36.72$ 78.54$98.94$149.94

Online Forms & Documents

Cigna Dental Claim Form
Cigna Enrollment Change Form
2024 Cigna Dental Benefit Summary
How to Find a Dentist
A Guide to Your Dental PPO Coverage