Online Benefits Directory




  1. Request a Social Security Statement (formerly Personal Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement) – A statement of your lifetime earnings and an estimate of your benefits.  Make your request online and we will mail you a response.
  2. If you have already received a Social Security Statement and have questions about it, try our My Statement Page.
  3. Cost of Living Information – Current Benefit, Tax and Wage-Indexed Changes.
  4. Compute Your Own Benefit Estimate – The Social Security Benefit Estimate Program.
  5. How to Replace, Correct, or Change Your Name on Your Social Security Card
  6. Benefit Information Publications Retirement, Survivors, Disability and Supplemental Security Income publications
  7. How to Apply for Social Security Retirement Benefits.
  8. The Most Popular Given Names – a collection of data about popular names by sex, state, year and so on.  Having trouble picking a name for your expectant child?  You’re sure to get some ideas here.
  9. Have you tried our new Searchable Frequently Asked Questions database? More than 600 questions asked and answered.
  10. How to Contact a Local Social Security Office – This application allows you to type in your ZIP code and find the social security office nearest you.